Life-long Alaskan


I will fight for


Freedoms, and our


Way of Life

Meet Rebecca

I am a rural District 36 Alaskan, I am a friend and a neighbor! Our families need to have the fish, the wildlife, and access to reliable affordable energy to stay in our homes. I will be a voice for common sense. I will work hard every day for rural Alaskans, with integrity and passion. I believe in family values, hard work and perseverence. I will do everything I can to help improve opportunities for Alaskans.


  • Pro Alaskan wild game and wild caught fish

  • Pro PFD and a Balanced State Budget

  • Pro American rights, liberties and freedoms

  • Pro Public Safety, Military and Veterans

  • Pro common sense energy and economic development

  • Pro high quality educational and early employment opportunities


Latest News

Upcoming Events for Rebecca Schwanke District 36 Candidate

  • Nelchina Caribou

    Meet and Greet in Delta

    June 28th and 29th

    I will be in Delta this Friday and Saturday. Let’s talk Nelchina Caribou, bison, bears, food security and truck traffic!

  • Rebecca Schwanke District 36 Fundraiser

    July 1st 5:00-7:00PM

    Friends in Anchorage, Eagle River and the Valley, come out and visit July 1st, we would love to hear your input and insights into what you want for Alaska!

  • Glennallen 4th of July Flag Raising

    4th of July

    July 4th 11:00AM - 2:00PM

    I’ll be at the Glennallen 4th of July festivities, come on out and celebrate. Let Freedom Ring is our 2024 theme!

Together, we can

Rejuvenate Rural Alaska